Face Reality Acne Program

90 days of the Acne Program

First day of the Acne Program

What is the Acne Program?

This program is built for anyone struggling to clear their skin. The Acne program is a 12-week program designed to rehabilitate the skin using tried and tested customized home care routine paired with professional treatments to get real results without invasive procedures or prescription oral medication.

  • It takes up to 90 days for acne to surface. Many clients clear within these 90 days. However, everyone's skin is different. Starting the program will reduce new acne from forming while we work to heal and recondition the skin. Some acne may take longer than 3 months to get under control, but this system will give you the tools and information to continue your progress.

  • During this 12-week program, we start with constructing a personal home care routine that is assessed and increased as necessary every 2 weeks to ensure skin clearing. It is important to introduce the skin to therapeutic-grade skincare that is continually increased in a way to push the skin to clear. In addition to home care, a professional, in office treatment is performed every 2 weeks to address immediate skin concerns such as extractions and dryness.

    It’s important to note that only Face Reality skincare will be used during the program. Their method, products, and ingredients have been tested and proven to get results. The cost for first set of home care products at your first appointment will be $150 - $225. Face Reality treatments are not available to those not using Face Reality at home care.

  • The first step is to schedule a consultation/treatment. This is to assess what your skin needs are, based on a lifestyle and skincare questionnaire and skin analysis. After the consultation and initial treatment, a detailed skin routine with product recommendations will be discussed. If you are not sure the Acne Program is right for you please schedule a consultation in office or a phone call consult is also available to discuss any questions or concerns you many have.

Ready to begin the Acne Program?

Appointment length

60 minutes


$85 - $100

Recommended number of appointments

6 sessions

What Is Acne?

Acne is definitely a four-letter word for people who suffer with it. It is an inherited disorder of the pores – pores that want to sludge up with dead skin cells much like a clogged drain in your sink. Normal pores shed about one layer of dead skin cells per day inside the pore. The acne-prone pore sheds up to five layers of dead skin cells per day and the body just can’t keep up. This forms congestion under the skin which are noninflamed acne lesions (blackheads and/or whiteheads; and if bacteria are present (which just loves to feed on the dead skin cells and oil), you will get inflamed pimples, pustules and/or cysts.

There are two main types of acne as we see it – noninflamed acne and inflamed acne. Most people have a combination of the two.

 Acne is a mysterious disorder, but one thing IS for sure – it can be controlled with the right combination of products used in the correct way. Just as in a clogged drain, the pore must be treated with products that unclog it, keep it unclogged and kill the acne bacteria. We have a system in place to do just that have your acne under control in about three to four months depending on your type of acne. We combine the power of clinical-grade homecare products that are customized for your type of acne and skin with a series of bi-monthly treatments that facilitate the clearing of your skin. We also teach you about other aggravating factors that make you break out – foods, medications, cosmetics, stress, and common ingredients in skin care formulations that might be clogging your pores (even professional and prescription products!)

Types of Acne